CLick !!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 24, 2010 by thomazkurian

Attempts on photography. Canon 1000D

Happy new years !

Posted in Uncategorized on January 2, 2010 by thomazkurian

They say your whole year is going to be like how your new yrs eve turned out to be. If thats the case, 2010 has me watching madammas and drinking ; oh , and also , losing bets.

Xavier, u can cancel the 1000 bucks u owe me on our famous TA-10 bet and George , I now owe you 2 shots of whisky sour . Chandrayaan had found water droplets on the Moon and not on Mars like i claimed . Wonderin how the heck i thot it was Mars in the first place !

For a change, im trying today to recall my whole thot process that nite. I rem all of us sittin by the cliff overlooking the vast expanse of blue and starin at the full moon sky.

I remember me sayin how amazin it is that a big rock can reflect so much light.

I remember how someone else was sayin that the rock had water in it too.

I remember how i jumped up n down claimin it was mars that had water and not moon. I even laughed at their ignorance on science.

N bleddy google tells me today it is moon that has water droplets. ‘Chand’rayan found it. I knew that ! Damn… I cant believe how ignorant I was about science.

So I lost the bet… Sheet.

I also rem us peein down the cliff…

Remember how we shared half of the last joint n how i felt my left leg was gettin separated from my body and my right hand was under its own control.

Remember we fought over the sexiness of  Shriya Saran. Again me bein the lone pig thinkin she aint hot.

Remember how we walked past the moonlit beach trying to maintain eye contact with the madammas. Remember ‘JORDAN’ .

Thats it. Cant really recall anything beyond that.

Happy new year ppl !

Tessys getting wedded !!

Posted in Uncategorized on July 5, 2009 by thomazkurian

wow…cant wait for this roadtrip to actually begin… Tessy s getting wedded in a church at adoor today.. adoors pretty far bout 180kms from…theres nothing that re-energises me like a roadtrip..And this time the route is Cochin–> Allepey–>Kuttanad–>Changanassery–>bla bla–>adoor..  Kuttanad…. Kuttanad is the best place i ve ever been to ..and still it is the place i refer to as home… That is where i had spent the early days of my career in earth..So a gush of the kuttanadian wind is enuf to take me glidin down memory roads…And when u are at kuttanad with some of your longest and closest buddies , it makes the trip bound to begin in a few minutes even more interesting..

Its 9 in the mornin now and Althu will be here any minute with a bunch of others..Runbi , Moppy , Priya, Ankiya… The Pajero is all geared up…So are we.. What makes this trip even more feel good is that , its one of ours’ weddin… Cant believe Tessy is actually getting wedded.. Cant believe soon everyone esp the girls ll be wedded off..For many of my girl friends, the thot of a mariage now is pretty disturbing…Cant realy blame them..Guess it is one factor of life where u just standstill and wait for the wind of life to take u away along with it..trusting in it..Close ur eyes and jump and pray to god u ll be safe..That very factor makes it exciting.. The same way jumpin off a cliff is excitin..atleast for me..

Tessy used to be my teacher at college..she used to sit in between us and read out loud from her  well prepared notes when me , runbi n the others used to struggle to keep our eyes open…n when she catches our eyes droopin , she used to give that micromilli second long pinch of hers that wud send a shiver down the spines..serves the purpose..keeps us awake..for the next 5 mins atleast..


If i sit down and think , there are a lot of stuff i do really miss about my college.. Yea it was crappy , yea it did not give us the ‘college’ experience…yea the place was strict… whatever…but college gave us  US…and the fact that we were in that so called shit all together makes it special.. Its never the place..It s who you are around with that makes the difference.. 2 years down the lane when one of us is getting married , it makes me smile.. makes me realise that we are actually growing older..

Runbi just called…The Pajero is waiting outside ! gotta run.. I will crap in detail later…

So yea…

Posted in Uncategorized on May 13, 2009 by thomazkurian

Eventually i sit down to write..Another aspirin blogger…Another Blog eagle flyin about, lookin for a space to land..

Dont really think this whole blogging business is going to last really long for me..I wud be really proud if it did..Had to google for a blog tagline..Tryin too hard to come up with one dint make much sense to me..Honestly, not that it dint make sense…i just couldnt come up with yea…it dint make sense..even the title was partly googled down…partly , cos i typed “cool titles” on the google searchbar and then was like…what the heck,lets just use that..Added a .com to it to make it look/sound cooler..


I guess thats my problem..I dont really try too hard for anythin..laid back is what my friends call me…But i dont think im really laid back..laid back is someone who s content n happy with himself so much he doesnt wanna change, im not that sorta person..i want to change..Need a change..but cant really work for the change..

Its like, the brain gives the signal -“Be the change .. Raise ur hand”…So the  electrochemical impulse signal is sent through the interconnected complex arrangements and neurotransmitters(wikied that too) … Sent…and somewhere along the line, the signal loses its meaning and eventually u raise a finger…the finger…leaving the brain standing there , one eyebrow raised..”Dude what did i ask you to do?! . Always listen to the brain ! ”

Maybe im a prototype..maybe theres a conveyor belt moving in loops with tonnes of me coming out..but hey, i gotta say wut i gotta say…dont i ?? 😉

I ve noticed traces of this signal inefficiency in other human counterparts around me as well..

*Roommate always keeps saying… “Appane keri ouseppukutteennu vilikkallu! ” ** – I mean..Who the hell does that anyways ! Unless your dads name is Ouseppukutty  ! I seriously think the brain had sent some other signal and the mouth screwed up..

*”Because i said so…Thats why ! ” – I mean , what the hells that supposed to mean ! Even Im talkin here !!

*”If your friends decide to jump off the bridge , would you ??” – common dialogue taught to the motherhood. But needs revisiting.. “Hell yea ! I would !!”

*I had a friend ( oh shes still a friend and shes not dead)..who once asked the waiter..”cheta, is the sandwich here good ? ” … hehe…

People amuse me..

yea, so i dunno what im goin to be in life or what change i want to bring upon in life..Know i have to be something in life cos I ll have mouths to feed later on. ( will i? ) ..And talkin bout needing a change…i guess wanting a change is the only thing that doesnt change..Akkare paccha..

So guess im supposed to be content..Cos change is immortal..Maybe i am content..Yes I am…


conveyor belt……….

bloggers…kuracchu othungi irikkuvo..njaanum ente cheriya kundi vecchootte…